Saturday, March 7, 2009

Close the Circle

Empty echoes where once a heart
Was filled with soundings of well-loved voices.
How many times have I come this way?
The count so high the pattern now set.
An endless circle of love and loss
Peers and schoolmates lost into time
Beloved companions that rode off in the night
And now kindred spirits that fade in the wind
Leaving me behind as they forge their own lives.
Nothing traumatic, no hurricane or disasters,
Just voices going silent in the expansion of time
Taking with them their pieces of my much broken heart
Until only the scattered fragments remain.
All that is left are the pieces unwanted
I gather them close as I bathe them with tears.
And promise them all that no more will I offer
As I crawl within my soul and shut the door.
And the circle closes one last time.



Curly said...

Believe me, I know how much it SUCKS when those I've become attached to slip (or run) away. It is so hard to open up again for fear of further injury. Starting a new phase in life is always bitter-sweet. Remember puberty? Yikes! However, moving ahead is essential. Water that sits in a vessel becomes fetid. Water that flows carries life with it. Ha--my lame attempt at a metaphore. You are the poet.

Rebecca at the Well said...

Hey lady,
It isn't about water, flowing or staganet, it is about guarding your heart. Do not cast your pears before swine least they turn again and rend you. This last time I was cut to badly and I no longer even want to heal.

thanks for the comment

Curly said...

Oh, but it IS about becoming stagnant, suffocated and necrotic! Guarding your heart from harm is a good idea, but putting it in a box is death.

I agree. Don't cast your pearls before swine. However, there has to be balance in everything. Choose wisely whom you will share those pearls with, but do share them.

Love you. I'm going to bed now. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Rebecca at the Well said...

Iappreciate your point of view and up until the last few months (hummm, medicine might have something to do with it LOL), I would have agreed with you totaly, but as it stands now, I just have nothing left to give. It is more important at the moment to keep breathing through the pain than to worry about what will happen tomorrow. Tomorrow, I will worry about dealing with the fall out, right now, I am just trying to breathe.

It is a day by day, sometimes moment by moment thing. But, I can tell you that the one thing that ALWAYS helps me to maintian or regain my sense of balance is when my friends let me know that they are still my friends. No matter if it is an email, a note, a call or a text, it just lets me know that I am not alone in this world.

Thank you for your comments for the same reason.


Curly said...

I understand. Keep breathing and living one moment at a time. You are in my prayers and you are loved.