Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A small brown bird who had no voice
Searched all his life to find a song.
But every note it tried to sing
Came out to harsh, or not at all.
Chasing a melody, just out of reach
It traveled far over many lands
Till one day waking, found itself alone
And the haunting music no longer the same.
In great dispair it lit on a limb
Then found to late it could not move.
A thin green needle had pierced it's breast
And pinned it tightly to its branches.
And as it's blood drained slowly down
It found the grail of it's lonely quest.
Lifting it's head it began to sing
A song of life and what it ment.
And as it's song drifted down on the evening breeze,
To touch the ears of every soul,
The world paused.....,
And held it's breath .....,
To hear the heartrending beauty,
If the Thorn Bird's song.

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