Wednesday, November 27, 2024

 False Dawn

I wake to the sound of birds cheerfully announcing the day.

The light peeking through the window, promising a day of unrivaled beauty;

Beckoning me to indulge in the gloriousness of the day to come.

The sky a winter shade of pale blue; the air crisp, but not cold.

A tiny hint of green still hidden from all but the most observant,

And a Sun that warms everything it can touch.

Spring isn't hear yet, but she sent a calling card to say she is on the way.

I arise with excitement and energy infused by the promise of adventure,

Then hit a wall of reality, hard; made from numbing grief and unbearable reality.

There is nowhere new to go.

There is no money available to return to the places that once brought joy.

And there is no point in going with no one around to share the journey.

In a blink, the world that began with so much hope

Becomes a two edged blade that slices deep with it's now false promises;

And I pull the covers back over my head,

Drifting into comforting memories and dreams of unlikely futures,

And the world once again fades to black.

Rebecca   2-3-24